Sunday, October 16, 2011

Berlin... day 4

Goodness me it's been a whole month since I went to Berlin and I'm only now writing about my fourth day there.

So I public-transportation'ed (can I once again comment on how good the public transportation in Berlin is?)  myself to Ewerk, secured a large receptacle of black coffee, caught up with my new homie Annabel and arrived late for my first talk, an intro to Video blogging with Niamh Guckian.

It was a good session and I've now got a video which I shall be posting on here very soon as a result.  The session took place in the control room of Ewerk - check it out!

Niamh showed us some tasty blogs - ohhellofriend, designsponge and finelittleday.  Oh and we also watched loads of twinkie chan videos.

I then raced over to catch the end of Douglas Rushkoff's talk on programming and by missing the beginning I may have missed the point - which was disappointing.

But then it was lunchtime, and I love lunchtime.

Lunch was a healthy lunchbox packed with veggies and dip, a meatball, sandwich, yoghurt and chocolate.  And I of course had to take advantage of another amaaazzzing Wonderpots frozen yoghurt.

Oh and I forgot to mention at lunch I met my internet buddy Dave who runs Holiday Matinee.  Dave was the social media guru extraordinaire at Etsy who asked me to create a twitter background for the Etsy Artist Series back in February so it was super awesome to meet IRL after emailing/tweeting in cyberspace for a couple of years.

I also went and drew a bearded man on the collaborative blanket sponsored by burda... check out the serious crafting going down...

After lunch I went up to the roof for a Social Media Roundtable with Etsy, TOMS, Bitly and Holstee.  It was another of my fave talks from the conference mainly because it made me think about YOU people, who are at the receiving end of my endless online spewings.  I'm now making a conscious effort to talk less about my products and more about... me.  Cause we all know that you're more interested in me than anything. Right?

Hello Etsy Berlin

I raced down to catch Dannielle's Secrets to Success talk and was glad I did cause it was super inspirational.  Especially the part where she asked people in the audience to share a little bit of advice they'd received... I won't lie... it made me feel a little emotional.

Hello Etsy Berlin

And then it was suddenly all over.  And I started to feel a little sad... it started raining, and people were leaving slowly - and it was basically over.  In an effort to make the conference last longer I just hung around for ages like a bad smell... I was glad I did because I met Miss Minoes, Renee-Anne & Angela from Leeloo, and Anne from Magalerie.

Amanda and I decided (I convinced Amanda she needed a burrito) to go get some burittos and we encouraged Melissa that she really needed a burrito in her life - so we reconvened at Dolores near Alexanderplatz and laughed about balls and why our hair hurts.

And it was a good ending to the day.  And that was that. Day four over!

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I like that it's taking you a while to get through your Berlin posts- every time you post one I get to relive it a little, so I like it being stretched out!
