Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'm gonna get married!

I KNOW you're dying to hear about my marathon! Well I'm going to make you wait just a bit longer until my life is back in some sort of recognisably normal state.  At the moment, I'm kind of flying through the clouds with rainbows and hearts and some sparkly lightning bolts flashing around.  I'm not on drugs, no, but I did get proposed to by my best friend in the whole world.  And I'm just being a total girl and soaking up all of the loveliness of it all.  


  1. Congratulations! Such wonderful news. Enjoy the happiness that comes with being engaged. Woo hoo!

  2. HURRAHHH! big fat congrats to you both x

  3. Congratulations!! And I hope your marathon went well. :)

  4. Congratulations - really happy for you! After getting married 2 yrs ago I love being nosey about other people's weddings and I hope you share some of your plans on this blog! ;D

  5. Congratulations!! It's the best feeling in the world isn't it? My fella proposed last year and I've been floating around ever since (no plans yet though - I'm rubbish!).
