Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fast bikes and faster chicks

The weekend before last Richard and I caught a train down to Newark for the Sideburn Magazine sponsored Rollerburn event.  I have done some work for Sideburn in the past (some more here) and they had asked me to display some work in the mini exhibition as part of the event.  Plus, we were keen to see how the whole roller derby thing worked (I can confirm that after watching the hour (+) long game, we're still none the wiser.)

I decided to bring along some of the pieces from my collaboration with Katherine Beefheart.  Silly, I know, but I forgot to take a photo of everything hung up.  I think it was the smell of bacon that was seriously affecting my neurological abilities.

Anyways, here are some photos of the day.

Hotpants? Tights? Yeah. They are hot.

Check out the Davida helmets that were handmade especially for the event.

It was nice to meet some of the other artists involved with Sideburn.. all in all a good day!  (PS: Dear Brain: let's not discuss when you mentioned the idea of joining a roller derby club.  That was when you were being crazy and probably in a bacon trance. Remember that? Yeah. As a rule we should keep hips, arms and leg bones unshattered no matter how much a green leopardprint tights and hotpants combo rocks your world. Ok thanks.)

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