Friday, January 11, 2013

You really are.

It's the best day of the week!  Fried-egg day! Woo. We love Fridays. Usually they mean the day before two days of relaxing, watching tv, doing a bit of work and hanging out with my best manfriend.  Right now Fridays are the day before one day of a shortish run and one day of a long run. But guaranteed I'll squeeze the other activities in with loads of chowing on food in between.

Janathon is going well so far, I got my Missy Elliot on last night at a street dance class (I'm so street!) and today my marathon training plan called for just a short 3 miler so I took my ass out pre-breakfast to get it over and done with.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have Valentines cards to design! Thanks for reading. YOU'RE A GOOD EGG!

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